Hacı Sabancı

The third child of Mr. Hacı Ömer and Mrs. Sadıka Sabancı, Mr. Hacı Sabancı was born in Akçakaya, a village of Kayseri, in 1935.

Hacı Sabancı had his secondary education, and spent his youth and most of his life in Adana. His professional career started in a company of Sabancı Group in automotive marketing and cotton export business.

Mr. Hacı Sabancı was honored with doctor honoris causa by East Mediterranean University in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and by Cukurova University Senate. Mr. Hacı Sabancı was also rewarded by Turkish State Distinguished Service Medal by President of Turkey. Association of International Business and Businessmen also distinguished Mr. Hacı Sabancı as the “Best Leader of the Balkans”.

Hacı Sabancı was the member of Board of Trustees of Cukurova University Foundation as well as the Board Chairman of Adana Chamber of Industry; in addition he served as the Vice Chairman of Hacı Sabancı Holding and the Chairman of Akcansa, Bossa, Carrefoursa, Cimsa, Danonesa, Exsa, Marsa, Sapeksa, Universal Trading and Yunsa, all Holding companies. He was also the President of Haci Omer Sabanci Foundation between 1974-1998.

Mr. Sabancı married Mrs. Özcan Sabancı in 1959 and he had three children, namely, Ömer, Demet and Mehmet.

Mr. Hacı Sabancı passed away on June 24, 1998.

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