2017 Sakıp Sabancı Art Award

2017 "Sakip Sabanci Art Awards" were given on November 23, 2017 at a ceremony held at "The Seed" Conference Center in Sakip Sabanci Museum at Sabanci University.

2017 Sakıp Sabancı Art Award

2017 "Sakip Sabanci Art Awards" were given on November 23, 2017 at a ceremony held at "The Seed" Conference Center in Sakip Sabanci Museum at Sabanci University.

Maintained by the Sabanci Foundation to fulfill the wish of the late Sakip Sabanci, the 24th  “Sakip Sabanci Art Awards” were granted at a ceremony with the attendance of Turkan Sabanci and her granddaughter Melisa Tapan from Sabanci family; Zerrin Koyunsagan, General Manager of the Sabanci Foundation; and Prof. Yalçın Karayağız, President of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, as well as many distinguished guests from social life and business and art circles.

Speaking at the award ceremony commenced with a short film themed “Sakip Sabanci and Art”, Melisa Tapan stated the following: “It is a great pleasure for us to support young artists and to carry on art awards, which was started by my grandfather in his lifetime. As you already know, my dear grandfather Sakip Sabanci used to give special importance to artists. He would sincerely believe that art is the richness of societies and the artists are very special people. He would like to support and reward the artists. We carry on his will and are very pleased to continue to give this award as an important support for the first steps of these young artists after their education period.”

Following the speeches, students graduating with a degree from the “Painting, Sculpture and Traditional Turkish Arts” Departments at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University received their awards. Following the award ceremony, guests were invited by the Sabanci Foundation to tour the “Ai Weiwei on Porcelain” exhibition in Sakip Sabanci Museum.


First Place

Bengü Aslan

Second Place

Ömer Yüksek

Third Place

Doğanay Yıldız


First Place

Elif Özer

Second Place

Pınar Marul

Third Place

Betül Bolat

Traditional Turkish Arts

First Place

Zeynep Bato

Second Place

Müjgan Uçar

Third Place

Mehmet İşcan

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