Eighth Short Film Competition
Eighth Short Film Competition
The winners of the 8th Short Film Competition, organized by the Sabancı Foundation under the slogan “Short Films, Long Impact,” have been announced. The award ceremony of the competition, organized at Sabancı Center with the theme of “Water Crisis”, was hosted by Sabancı Foundation Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı and Sabancı Foundation General Manager Nevgül Bilsel Safkan and under the artistic direction of Zeynep Atakan.
This year, the competition, which garnered significant interest from young filmmakers, saw 12 works advance to the finals. The award recipients were determined by the jury of the 8th Short Film Competition, consisting of film critic Alin Taşçıyan, accomplished actors Salih Bademci and Tilbe Saran, producer and director Jamillah Van Der Lust Hulst from the world cinema arena, and creative producer and script consultant Suzanne Pradel. The first-place award went to Can Yeşiloğlu for his film “Life in Dreams,’’ The Sabancı Foundation Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı presented Yeşiloğlu with his award. The director of the film “Towards the End”, which came in second, Cihan Yıldırım was presented with his award by Sabancı Foundation General Manager Nevgül Bilsel Safkan, while the director of the film “Anthropocene”, which came in third, Mehmet Gürü Avcu was presented with his award by the art director of the competition, Zeynep Atakan. The Honorable Mention Award of the competition was given to Sinan Kaldan for his film “Vahşi”; while the Social Impact Award went to Cihan Yıldırım, who is also the second place winner, for his film “Towards the End”. The winner of the Sabancı Foundation Short Film Competition was awarded 60 thousand TL, the second place winner 40 thousand TL, and the third place winner 25 thousand TL. The Social Impact Award was also awarded 25 thousand TL for the first time this year. You can learn all the details about the competition organized with the slogan “Short Film Long Impact” at www.kisafilmuzunetki.org and follow the developments on social media addresses facebook.com/kisafilmplatformu, twitter.com/kisafilmplat, instagram.com/kisafilmplatformu.