Sixth Short Film Competition
Sixth Short Film Competition
The winners of the Short Film Competition, organized for the sixth time this year with the slogan of "Short Film Long Impact" by Sabancı Foundation, have been announced. The award ceremony of the competition, organized with the theme of “New Jobs in the new world”, was hosted by Chair, Board of Trustees of the Sabancı Foundation Güler Sabancı and Sabancı Foundation General Manager Nevgül Bilsel Safkan.
Young filmmakers showed great interest in the Competition this year, and 12 works qualified for the finals. The finalists were assessed, and the winners of the 6th Short Film Competition were decided by the Social Impact Jury consisting of award-winning actress Öykü Karayel and film critic Melikşah Altuntaş, internationally known award-winning directors Michel Franco and Blerta Basholli, award-winning actor Ingvar Sigurdsson, and Evrim Kuran, Gamze Elibol and Yörük Kurtaran.
The 1st Prize goes to Zafer Geyikçi for his film "Visitor"
Chair, Board of Trustees of the Sabancı Foundation Güler Sabancı presented first prize to Zafer Geyikçi with the film named "Ziyaretçi” (Visitor) Emre Sezgin received second prize from Sabancı Foundation General Manager Nevgül Bilsel Safkan with the film named “Kırmızı Elbise’’ (The Red Dress) and Said Sakıp Demir received third prize from Art Director Zeynep Atakan with the film named “Yâren” (Crony). Efe Tuncay, the director of the movie "Sufle” (Sufle), Kenan Olpak, the director of the movie ‘’Kadraja Girmeyen Pandemi’’ (Pandemic not included in the frame) which was deemed worthy of an honorable mention, received his award from Director Melikşah Altuntaş.
Chair, Board of Trustees of the Sabancı Foundation Güler Sabancı presented Social Impact Award prize to Kenan Olpak with the film named ‘’Kadraja Girmeyen Pandemi’’ (Pandemic not included in the frame)
You can learn all details of the competition, which has the motto “Short Film Long Impact”, on and follow the latest news on our social media accounts:,,
For the catalog of the Short Film Competition please click here.