What’s Up What’s Not?! Training of Trainers

Project Summary
Grantee : The Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence
Purpose : Informing and empowering school counselors about peer violence which is common among young people
Location : İstanbul
Grant Amount : 99.787 TL
Project Partner : Kadıköy Counseling and Research Center
Period : 2 October 2017 - 02 July 2018
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2017


Peer violence among young people increases the risk of committing and being exposed to violence in adulthood. Thus, informing young people about different forms of violence and the characteristics of a safe relationship may contribute to the prevention of violence.

Project Goals

  • A training kit will be developed for school counselors about gender, discrimination, types of violence and elimination of violence.
  • 20 school counselors will be selected from different high schools in Kadıköy region and they will participate in training of trainers for 5 days.
  • After the training, school counselors will conduct 2-hour workshops with students in the schools.

Project Results

  • A 5-day training of trainers was held with the participation of 20 psychological counselors.
  • The counselors who participated in the training conducted workshops with young people in the schools where they worked. With a total of 551 implementations in 17 different high schools, 5,518 young people were reached directly.
  • After the workshops conducted with young people, the solutions they suggested were collected through an online form.
  • The psychological counselors were supported with the 3 supervision activities that were carried out on a regular basis.
  • The content of “Working with Young People on Safe Relationships: The Implementation Manual for Educators and Counselors” was updated and reprinted.


“People have a right to make mistakes. Why on earth should the response be violence?

A Student and Workshop Participant

“For 20 years, I have attended dozens of training programs in this field. Considering this one in many aspects, the trainers were very good at communicating information, knowledge, communication skills, group management, and time management. Above all, probably, it was their belief in this project which affected me the most.

A Guidance Teacher and Project Participant


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