Accessible Science Education For Students With Visual Impairment

Project Summary
Grantee : Aksaray University Faculty of Education
Purpose : To gain learning outcomes of the science lesson effectively, developing innovative teaching methods for students with visual impairment.
Location : Aksaray
Grant Amount : 199.389 TL
Project Partner : Aksaray Provincial Directorate of National Education, 68 Aksaray The Visually Handicapped Youth and Sport Club, Association of Aksaray Somuncu Baba Accessible Sport Club
Period : 8 July 2019 - 30 November 2020
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2019


According to equality of opportunity principle in education, students with visual impairment must have the same rights with their peers in terms of accessing and using information. However, students with visual impairment are in a disadvantaged position in science lessons in which abstract concepts are intense and visual elements stand out.

Project Goals

  • Four workshops will be held in order to discuss the difficulties experienced by students with visual impairment.
  • Six workshops will be held in which materials for 3rd and 4th grade science lesson outcomes will be developed together with teachers
  • Pilot studies will be held in inclusive classrooms for teachers to learn how to use materials that are produced in previous workshops.


  • Four workshops and a conference with broad participation were held where the problems encountered in the education of visually impaired students and solution suggestions were discussed.
  • A total of 22 educational materials were developed for 3rd and 4th grade science classes in six workshops attended by 27 teachers, 10 teacher candidates and four primary school inclusive students with visual impairment.
  • ‘The Barrier-Free Science Teaching Instruction Manual’ was developed and published as open source.
  • Introductory videos explaining all the outputs of the project and the development process of the materials were shared on the website.


“Students with visual impairment also attended the workshops. We made and they tried. It was an important experience for us. I also learned there were technological devices specifically for such students and how they worked, which would be effective both for my personal development and for students’ access to classes.” A Teacher who attended the Project Activities

“We use a lot of materials in science classes. I used to give these materials to a student with visual impairment as well. I was aware that these materials were not enough for them. However, I could not find the time to do something more. Then, I saw during the workshops of this project that a single silicon gun is quite effective to enable such students’ access to materials and materials could be adapted in a very short time.” A Teacher who attended the Project Activities

“I have been working with a student with visual impairment for three years. They mostly could not attend lectures. I can now say that this was because of me. However, I have learned what I should do, and I have seen that it is very easy.” A Teacher who attended the Project Activities


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