Initiative of University Students with Disabilities

Project Summary
Grantee : Association of Persons with Visual Impairments in Education
Purpose : Organizing university students with disabilities under a council
Location : Turkey
Grant Amount : 99.968 TL
Project Partner : METU Without Barriers
Period : 14 July 2014 – 13 July 2015
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2014


Students with disabilities cannot enjoy the opportunities of universities on the same level as their non-disabled counterparts. Disabled Student Units established in all universities do not function sufficiently. On the other hand, there is no such system where students with disabilities raise their demands and participate democratically.  

Project Goals

  • Workshops will be organized in Istanbul and Ankara with the participation of 40 university students with disabilities.
  • Students will evaluate the universities in terms of accessibility and make applications.
  • An e-platform will be established for the communication of university students with disabilities.
  • Meetings with public institutions will be held in order to share accessibility data of universities and students’ demands.

Project Results

  • Workshops were organized in Istanbul and Ankara with the participation of 26 university students with disabilities all around Turkey. Participants attended sessions on right-based approach, disability rights, accessibility, current situation of universities, examination system and discriminatory practices in universities.
  • Students attended the workshops made applications to their universities and started the change.
  • An e-platform was established for the communication of university students with disabilities.
  • Data was gathered through university evaluation surveys and demanding information from public institutions.
  • Data was shared with actors in the public institutions and published with a report titled “Analysis of the Situation in Universities for Students with Disabilities”.


"The Initiative of University Students with Disabilities has been an unforgettable life experience as a student. Thanks to this project, I have been named representative of disability activities in 19 Mayıs University where I study. I have worked on practicing what I have learned through the project and also managed to get other friends with disabilities involved in the initiative. Most importantly, I have realized the necessity for us to take the initiative."

Project Beneficiary

"Following the meeting, we developed good friendships. We were also able to learn about people with other types of disabilities. I am a visually impaired person, however whenever I am at a government office to get a public service, I always ask if they have a staff member who is able to use sign language or if the office is wheelchair accessible."

Project Beneficiary


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