Deaf and Hearing Impaired Women's Rights Education Platform

Project Summary
Grantee : Dem Association
Purpose : Increasing awareness of deaf and hearing-impaired women about their rights, especially violence against women and mechanisms to combat violence
Location : Turkey
Grant Amount : 296.333 TL
Project Partner : Association of Women with Disabilities, Turkish National Federation of the Deaf
Period : 26 July 2021 – 26 June 2022
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2021


Access to the disabled in the field of women's rights is limited. Existing rights-based studies are not accessible enough, especially for the deaf and deaf community, where 37 percent of them are illiterate, high school graduates who can read and understand written content at the fourth-grade level, and deaf people whose mother tongue is a sign language.

Organizations that work for hearing impaired and deaf individuals, on the other hand, produce solutions by focusing on the individual hearing loss problem for their members. Although some organizations have sub-organizations such as women's assemblies, rights-based activities in this field are very limited.

For this reason, there is a need for accessible information resources and rights-based studies, especially for deaf and hearing-impaired women.


  • Needs will be identified, and training content will be created through field surveys and three workshops that will bring together women's organizations, organizations for the deaf and hearing impaired.
  • 50 accessible training videos and assessment-evaluation tests will be prepared and published on the website that will be designed.
  • Workshops will be held in three different cities, and 48 deaf and hearing-impaired women will be supported to expand the education platform in their own provinces.
  • With pre-post tests and a general test, the training content will be evaluated by the first 100 participants who register on the platform. In the light of these evaluations, revisions will be made in the training content and the final version of the platform will be made available to everyone.


“I'm 41 years old, and I didn't know anything about these at all. I didn’t really know what was what. When I first watched the Deaf Women’s Rights Platform, I figured it was quite helpful to me. I highly recommend it to everyone.” A Female Workshop Participant


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