Raising Awareness of Women’s NGOs Regarding Disabilities

Project Summary
Grantee : Foundation for Women’s Solidarity
Purpose : Empowering Women’s NGOs in Middle Anatolia to work in the field of women with disabilities
Location : Ankara, Cankiri, Eskisehir, Nevsehir, Kirikkale
Grant Amount : 189.581 TL
Project Partner : Association of Women with Disabilities
Period : 15 April 2011-15 April 2012
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2011


The support center of the foundation has been receiving several requests from women with disabilities. Women’s NGOs lack capacity and knowledge to address the problems of women with disabilities and therefore cannot provide the needed services. (Foundation for Women’s Solidarity, 2011)

Project Goals

In Ankara, Cankiri, Eskisehir, Nevsehir, Kirikkale:

  • 120 women will prepare a road map to work in the field of disability.
  • 150 women will participate in workshops regarding gender issues.
  • 1200 brochures will be published and shared with 500 NGOs.

Women’s NGOs will develop a new vision and add the lens of “Disability” to their work.

Project Developments

  • 41 women participated to the workshop in Ankara. In the workshop, NGO representatives discussed ways to adopt disability perspective to their work on women.
  • A needs assessment was made using a survey to determine the needs of women.
  • Following the workshop a more detailed meeting was organized in Ankara to discuss specific needs of different disability groups among women.
  • Through a facilitators training 4 people were trained and the two meetings contributed to prepare the content for workshops in the other cities.
  • 17 women participated in the pilot workshop in Ankara and finalized the content for Cankiri, Nevsehir, Kirikkale and Eskisehir.


“The workshop met my expectations. It was very informative and effective to come together with women with disabilities and listen to their experiences.”

Meeting Participant, Ankara

’’The workshop enabled us to work in groups with women from diverse backgrounds and raised our awareness on disability. This is a very good start!”

Workshop Participant, Ankara


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