From Bodrum to Turkey: Women are Creating Their Egalitarian and Nonviolent City!

Project Summary
Grantee : Bodrum Women’s Solidarity Association
Purpose : Improving the awareness on gender equality and rights of women living in Bodrum, contributing to the formation of more inclusive local services and women friendly cities with the active participation of women
Location : Muğla
Grant Amount : 156.029 TL
Project Partner : Bodrum Municipality
Period : 20 July 2020 - 9 July 2021
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2020


It is observed that women's use of private and public space freely, getting involved in decision-making mechanisms, equal access to economic, social, health, cultural and educational opportunities and benefiting from these opportunities are low in urban planning process. Women are exposed to violence and face difficulties in accessing urban services and resources in Bodrum where intense internal and external migration is inhabited while different socio-economic groups live together. It is necessary to contribute to the development of Bodrum as an urban model, where equal participation and representation of women is provided for urban rights.

Project Goals

  • A survey will be conducted with 650 women in 5 neighbourhoods of Bodrum to measure their knowledge level on urban rights, gender equality, violence and to determine their expectations from local services.
  • Workshops consisting of the modules of gender, rights, violence, empowerment and solidarity will be held with 10 groups including 15 women in each group.
  • 5 workshops will be held where women from each neighbourhood will meet women from the other neighbourhood, and common problems and solutions will be discussed.
  • 2-3 hours workshops themed problems-solutions will be held with the participation of local representatives, municipal administrators, councillors, neighbourhood headmen along with women.
  • Lobbying will be done to turn Bodrum Gender Equality Chiefdom into Directorate.
  • A workshop will be organized with the participation of decision makers, academicians and civil society representatives in the Bodrum region to promote the project and share the outputs.


“It is my right to live safely in this city without being self-confident or powerful!” A female workshop participant

“In this project, we, women from neighborhoods, had the chance to really see each other during the workshop organized by the Bodrum Women’s Solidarity Association. We saw that we could come together.” A female workshop participant


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