Parıltı and TÜRGÖK Prepare Blind Youth for YKS

Project Summary
Grantee : Parıltı Support Association for Children with Visual Impairments
Purpose : Informing young people with visual impairment who are studying in the 12th grade or who have graduated from high school and will take the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) about the process and supporting them in their preparation for the exam
Location : Turkey
Grant Amount : 298.150 TL
Project Partner : Library for the Blind of Turkey
Period : 30 July 2021 - 31 July 2022
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2021


During the examination process, bling youth have to struggle with the problems arising from visual impairment. Young people who do not have enough data on how to access information cannot demonstrate their potential at the highest level in Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS). Young people with visual impairment who are studying in the 12th grade or have graduated from high school and will enter YKS need a multi-faceted guidance support prepared with a holistic approach.


  • Exam Process Evaluation Scale will be developed and implemented.
  • The 50 selected students will be sent a USB drive containing the audio training materials and five voiced mock exams.
  • Braille training materials will be prepared for the fields chosen by 50 students for YKS.
  • Two mock exam simulations will be performed with exam readers and coders.
  • 20 online meetings and 10 online lecture sessions moderated by 50 students and the project team will be held for six months.
  • Five informative videos of 20-30 minutes each will be prepared.


“I learned how to guide the reader during this project. The voiced mock exams were quite useful. I had no other audio sources. I wasn’t anxious during the exam at all because I learned and gained experience through this project.” A Student Participant

“It is pure luck that this project was launched during my exam preparation year. The exam simulations with the participation of readers and coders were much more definitive and instructive than mixed mock examinations.” A Student Participant


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