Robohand Turkey Association

Robotel Türkiye Derneği (Robohand Turkey Association) that touches the lives of children facing with limb deformity, became the 11th Changemaker of the 8th season of the Sabanci Foundation Turkey’s Changemakers Program.

Today, hundreds of people face with limb deformity for different reasons. Amniotic band syndrome that prevents limb development by birth, orthopedic disorders, accidental losses of limb… These are just a few reasons of limb deformity. Such cases that necessitate over-costing prosthesis, are even more difficult for children. Until physical development of children is complete, prosthesis cannot be worn and this situation can cause myolysis, as well as social and psychological problems.

There is a voluntary movement in the world that provides an alternative to prosthesis, enabling children with limb deformity have a more comfortable life. It’s called “Enabling The Future”.

Zeynep Karagöz and her friends started out by taking inspiration from this movement.

Karagöz and her friends work for a design agency which designs product, process, and space. While researching on how 3D painting technology can contribute to our lives, they discovered “Enabling The Future” movement. They decided to establish the same movement in Turkey in 2014. The network they established, was named Robotel Türkiye Derneği in December 2016. Robotel Türkiye aims to provide useful mechanic hands in personalized measures and qualifications, built by 3D printers for those people facing limp deformity and hand or finger loss.

To reach these mechanic hands that they call “robot el” (robohand), the beneficiary firstly contacts the association. The size is measured and the model is set up. Afterwards, the robohand is built with 3D printers and delivered to the beneficiary. Thus, the robohand facilitates to some extent, the life of the children. Besides, the amusing designs of robohands also support self-confidence and socialization opportunities for children.

Robotel Türkiye is a non-profit organization. All services are free of charge. The Association has more than 700 volunteers all around Turkey. The hands prepared by Robotel Türkiye helped facilitate the lives of approximately 25 children until today. They are still working on numerous cases.

Robotel Türkiye adapted a world-wide voluntary system to Turkey. They even took a step further and established a civil society organization. This set a good example that shows how technology can positively affect our lives. They proposed a solution which facilitates the lives of children with limb deformity and gives hope for the future. They provide children with a physically and psychologically better life. They created a huge difference both in the lives of children and their families.

Date: 17.03.2017 (Season 8 - Episode 11)

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