Monitoring Group for Disability Rights 3

Project Summary
Grantee : Social Rights and Research Association
Purpose : Ensuring that persons with disabilities can fully enjoy their rights, without being exposed to discrimination
Location : Turkey
Grant Amount : 160.000 TL
Project Partner : Istanbul Bilgi University
Period : 15 July 2015 – 15 July 2016
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2015


In Turkey persons with disabilities cannot enjoy their rights granted to them by international and national laws. Therefore, the complaints and problems remain unsolved. It should be monitored to what extent the legislation on disability rights is implemented in Turkey and state should be reminded its duties.

Project Goals

  • NGOs of the Disability Rights Monitoring Group will get a training on monitoring and lobbying processes.
  • Trained NGOs will monitor, report and lobby the rights of the persons with disabilities.
  • Experiences will be shared with the “Disability Rights Monitoring Booklet”.

Project Results

  • Trainings on monitoring and lobbying were organized for 17 NGOs working in the area of disability.
  • These NGOs carried out monitoring and reporting activities in their local areas in order to see to what extent the disability rights are implemented.
  • A “Disability Rights Monitoring Booklet” containing the methods that can be used in monitoring disability rights were published in order to share the three-year experience of Social Rights and Research Association with other NGOs.
  • Reports were submitted to 25 national and international institutions in order to attract attention on the fact that people with disabilities cannot enjoy their rights.


"We received important feedback when we shared our reports with interested institutions, deputies and the governor. Our working methods raised our influence on regional authorities."

Project Beneficiary

"We are the first civil society organization in Samsun that implemented monitoring and reporting. We saw that other civil society organizations in our city became more aware and interested in monitoring and reporting after the project."

Project Beneficiary


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