Young Voice

Project Summary
Grantee : Tarlabaşı Community Center Association
Purpose : Empowering young women in Tarlabasi
Location : Istanbul
Grant Amount : 96.698 TL
Project Partner : Mode Istanbul
Period : 1 September 2015 – 1 July 2016
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2015


Young women in Tarlabasi mostly spend their time at home due to family pressure or house work. This prevents them from expressing themselves or interacting with the outside world. Interviews conducted with these young women also revealed that they are anxious and have no information on reproductive and sexual health and knowledge on their own bodies.

Project Goals

  • In Tarlabasi:
    • Young women will get training on gender issues and reproductive health.
    • They will share their insights on discrimination in a weekly blog and through short videos.
    • Their work will be disseminated through social media.

Project Results

  • 8 young women living in Tarlabasi attended 15 workshops on gender issues and reproductive health.
  • 8 young women attended 24 workshops on photography, video, blog writing and communication means.
  • Young women published their writings on gender in a blog called “Jin (meaning both woman and clever) Ideas”.
  • 6 women prepared videos on gender issues using different video techniques.


"Football is always associated with men; they think women are incapable of playing football. Our aim is to change this perception. We found out the “Girls on the Field” tournament and met with the organizers. They inspired us to participate in this football tournament for women. We established a team of 8 with the women in our neighborhood. We want to represent Tarlabasi and have a good ranking in the tournament."

Project Beneficiary

"I have felt alone, ordinary and clumsy before… With this project I gained confidence, courage and determination."

Project Beneficiary


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