Raising Awareness on Preventing Abuse of Girls

Project Summary
Grantee : Women Life Center Foundation of Trabzon
Purpose : Raising awareness on sexual abuse among high school students, educators, families and communities at large
Location : Trabzon
Grant Amount : 51.007 TL
Project Partner : Trabzon Provincial National Education Directorate, Trabzon Provincial Health Directorate, Trabzon Provincial Social Services Directorate, Trabzon Provincial Youth & Sports Directorate, Trabzon Branch of Anatolian Press Unity, Youth Assembly of the Trabzon Provincial Council
Period : 15 April 2011-15 April 2012
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2011


There is a need to create awareness regarding adolescent girls that confront sexual abuse within the family and/or at school. (Woman Life Center Foundation of Trabzon, 2011)

Project Goals

  • At 3 high schools in Trabzon:
    • 500 students and 50 educators will participate in "Reproductive Health", "Sexual Violence" and "Gender" trainings.
    • 45 families will develop awareness regarding communication with adolescents.
    • Under the leadership of school counselors ’’Youth Desks’’ will be established to provide with a youth-centered space for social and cultural activities.
  • A project film and report will be shared with the public service institutions to raise awareness on sexual violence.

Project Results

  • Pilot schools were visited and the training schedules were developed.
  • Facilitated by social service specialists, 77 educators at selected pilot schools participated in trainings on gender, adolescent mental health, and sexual abuse. The educators stated that this project addressed an important need.
  • 61 families attended a 14-month training module on family-adolescent relationships and reported that they started to have better relationships with their kids after the training.
  • 700 students attended adolescent mental health, sexual abuse and communication trainings and reported that the trainings were very useful.
  • “Youth desks’’ at pilot schools were established and published “fanzins” (magazines for youth) that provided opportunities for youth to express themselves. Nearly a thousand youth benefited from youth desks.
  • With the support of school counselors a toolkit for youth was prepared.


“As a young person, I am ready to have a beautiful and productive youth. I am conscious, happy and thanks to these kinds of projects I am more aware of the positive sides of being young.”

A Youth Desk Beneficiary

“Thanks to this project, many young people are more aware of their rights. They are more self-confident and this was probably the most pleasing outcome. Besides, some of them started to participate in social responsibility projects and now desire to participate in active citizenship. I am glad that I am part of this project.”

City Council Member, Project Partner

“Seeing both the excitement and despair in young people’s eyes this project taught me perseverance… It made me aim to create hope in all of them. The youth desk taught me to hold the hand of disadvantaged youth.”

Youth Desk Coordinator

“The Youth Desks at school created a new space for students to express themselves. The desks can be used better. For example successful role models could come to youth desks and inspire youth.”

A School Counselor

“I used to be a tempered person, always yelling, and even using physical force. Thanks to the trainings, I can say this attitude of mine has changed. The change in me is noticed not only by my kids but also my husband. I started to develop empathy for my kids and now I can listen and better understand them.”

A Parent that Attended Trainings


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