We Stand Up for Our Rights

Project Summary
Grantee : Women for Women’s Human Rights Association
Purpose : Raising women’s awareness about their rights
Location : Ağrı, Antalya, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Giresun, Hakkari, İstanbul, İzmir, Kıbrıs, Muş, Ordu, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon
Grant Amount : 200.020 TL
Project Partner : Women Association of Van, Izmir Women Solidarity Foundation
Period : 8 July 2013 – 7 July 2014
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2013


Women are disadvantaged in many areas, ranging from literacy and schooling to employment and political participation. Besides, their rights are being violated, especially through early forced marriages and violence. This situation arises mostly from the lack of awareness of women about their legal rights.

Project Goals

  • In 13 cities:
    • 25 women from local NGOs and municipalities will participate in the training of trainers on “human rights of women”.
    • Women who received trainers training will reach 500 women in the cities they live in and inform them on their rights.
    • At the end of the project, an evaluation meeting will be held, where trainers will plan their future activities.

Project Results

  • Out of 110 applicants from all over Turkey, 25 women were selected for the training of trainers.
  • Selection criteria included experience, motivation and availability of time.
  • The potential trainers completed a 12-day training program on human rights of women.
  • 25 trainers organized women groups in their communities and reached another 400 women informing them on women rights.
  • The evaluation showed that the women who learned their rights have gained confidence and took control of their lives.


"Many women were able to stop physical violence to a great extent after becoming more aware of their rights. 60% of women put an end to domestic violence, 35% returned school, 33% started to work in a paid job, 7% set up their own business. The program not only put an end to the violation of women’s rights, but also guided women to adopt a better approach towards their children. 94% of the participants became more self-confident and 89% became more influential on domestic decisions. In order to raise their voice more women should know that they are not alone."

Project Consultant

"The training program’s magic wand, lights the way of women who cannot see their front and left alone in dark. The program makes women feel they are not alone. It helps them discuss their solutions, increase their awareness, reminds them of their rights and unites them in a common ground."

Project Beneficiary


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