Turkish National Youth Philharmonic Orchestra - 2021
Turkish National Youth Philharmonic Orchestra - 2021
The Sabancı Foundation has been supporting the Turkish Youth Philharmonic Orchestra (TUGFO) since 2009 with an aim to raise young people’s awareness of social responsibility as well as to contribute to their music education. In order to pass on the awareness of social sensitivity to future generations, the Sabancı Foundation continues its support to long-term cultural and art projects such as TUGFO to train young people in many fields of art and to create development opportunities for them. The Orchestra is also a full member of the European Federation of National Youth Orchestras, and it intends to support young musicians studying classical music in Turkey, to provide new talents with orchestra and stage experience, and to introduce Turkish culture to the world and to break down mutual prejudices.
Bringing young Turkish musicians together with classical music lovers, the Orchestra started training and rehearsing with guidance by Conductor Cem Mansur, Sezai Kocabıyık, Assoc. Prof. Başak Ersöz, and Atilla Aldemir, a successful Turkish violin and viola virtuoso, during the camp at Sabancı University before performing its concerts.
The Sabancı Foundation is the main supporter of the Orchestra, which continued its concerts uninterruptedly starting from 2007 until the global COVID-19 pandemic. The concert marathon was suspended last year due to the pandemic, but it resumed its performances this year with concerts held in Istanbul, Bursa and Ayvalık. This year, due to the pandemic measures, only musicians over the age of 18 were allowed in the orchestra, and young musicians who had qualified for the orchestra last year were given priority. The concert tour started with a concert at Istanbul Zorlu PSM on August 5, and the Orchestra performed in Bursa on August 6, at Istanbul Topkapı Culture Park Amphitheater on August 7, at Istanbul Museum Gazhane on August 8 and at Ayvalık Amphitheater on August 10.