Advisory Board

Advisory Board Members Duty Period
Alpay Filiztekin 2014 - 2016
Ateş Altınordu 2016 - 2018
Aysen Özyeğin 2009 - 2016
Ayşe Sabuncu 2017 - 2019
Ayşecan Terzioğlu 2020 - Present
Burcu Meltem Arık Akyüz 2018 - 2019
Deniz Tarba Ceylan 2018 - 2019
Deniz Tunçalp 2020 - Present
Figen Atalay 2016 - Present
Filiz Karagül Tüzün 2020 – Present
Hülya Denizalp 2011 - Present
Itır Erhart 2011 - Present
İsmet Berkan 2013 - 2014
Jozi Zalma 2020 - Present
Kayhan Karlı 2017 - 2019
Korel Göymen 2009 - 2014
Mehmet Nama 2020 - Present
Melih Özsöz 2012 - 2014
Meral Tamer 2015 - Present
Nevgül Bilsel Safkan 2018 - Present
Nilay Karagülmez Abamor 2020 - Present
Nuran Çakmakçı 2020 - Present
Osman Kavala 2009 - 2012
Pınar Uyan Semerci 2016 - 2018
Serra Titiz 2014 - 2017, 2020 - Present
Suat Özçağdaş 2014 - Present
Şelale Kadak 2010 - 2011
Temel Aksoy 2009 - 2011
Tosun Terzioğlu 2010 - 2012
Ümit Boyner 2009 - 2010
Vahap Munyar 2009 - 2010
Yasemin Salih 2014 - Present
Yekta Kopan 2011 - 2012
Yörük Kurtaran 2011 - 2017
Zeynep Bahar Çelik 2020 - Present
Zerrin Koyunsağan 2009 - 2019
Zeynep Meydanoğlu 2011 - 2013
Zeynep Şimşek 2010 - 2011

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