David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award

David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award

Sabanci Foundation Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ms. Guler Sabanci was recognized and honored with theDavid Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award, which is presented to exceptional leaders who work for social development. Named after the leading businessman and philanthropist David Rockefeller, this award was presented to Ms. Guler Sabanci for her leadership and impactful contributions to philanthropy. The award ceremony was held on 8 October 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland.

At the award ceremony, which brought together leaders from business, public sector and civil society, the daughter of David Rockefeller, Ms. Peggy Dulany recognized Ms. Guler Sabanci for her leadership: “Guler Sabanci is a model for all leaders in business and philanthropy, not only in Turkey but around the world. She is deeply engaged in what the Sabanci Foundation and Sabanci University do, and highly articulate about the rationale for choosing each strategy. And so much of their success is about reaching out and collaborating with other parts of Turkish society, as well as international partners. That is what this award is about. I am honored to present her this award”.

The achievements of the Sabanci Foundation were highlighted through an opening discussion between Ms. Sabanci and Ms. Dulany. In her acceptance speech, Guler Sabanci said: “I am accepting this award on behalf of Sabanci family, Sabanci Foundation and the ones who have contributed to our foundation from the past to the present. As a member of a family with 50-years of philanthropy, it is an honor for me to receive this award from the Rockefeller Family whose philanthropy goes back to 150-years ago”. Ms. Sabancı also referred to the importance of supporting women and girls: “As Sabancı Foundation, we had the opportunity to champion women’s and girls’ rights and equal participation in society, but I must say, we still have a long way to go. We should support women’s role in society, not only in Turkey but around the world”.

David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award is presented by Synergos Institute, founded and chaired by Dr. Peggy Dulany, the daughter of David Rockefeller. Past recipients of this award include former U.S. President Bill Clinton, former South African President Nelson Mandela, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates, Queen Rania of Jordan, the Aga Khan; the mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, philanthropists Jennifer and Peter Buffet.

The event concluded with participants meeting around particular topics such as “Philanthropy to Stop Human Trafficking,” “Partnerships to Improve Global Health,” “Impact Investing,” and “Supporting Women and Girls For Social Change.”

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