Inclusive Preschool Education

Project Summary
Grantee : Tohum Autism Foundation
Purpose : Dissemination of inclusive education in preschool education
Location : Istanbul
Grant Amount : 172.000 TL
Project Partner : Istanbul Directorate of National Education, Teachers Academy Foundation
Period : 15 July 2016 – 14 July 2017
Status : Completed
Project Year : 2016


Preschool education is the first place where children with special needs participate in education. Therefore, this period is highly critical for children with special needs to continue their education. However, the inclusive practices in this phase are very rare. It is necessary to improve the inclusive education practices in preschool period and increase teachers’ knowledge and skills on this topic.

Project Results

  • Two training modules were prepared which are the “training of trainers” and “training of teachers” in order to improve the quality of inclusive preschool education.
  • A 75-hour training was organized for 20 special education teachers who were assigned by the Provincial Directorate of National Education.
  • These 20 teachers regularly visited 20 preschools in İstanbul for 6 months and supported the preschool teacher in his/her dialogue with the children with disabilities.
  • 70 teachers from these visited preschools participated in training sessions on inclusive education.
  • Seminars were organized in different parts of İstanbul with the participation of families, school administrators and teachers in order to create awareness on special education, inclusive education and the rights of students with disabilities.
  • An in-depth project was conducted for 6 months in a pilot preschool; teachers, administrators and parents were informed on inclusive education.
  • Meetings were held with the related departments of the Ministry of National Education to implement the training programs within the structure of the Ministry.


    “This project is a magic wand that has touched children who need special education, making sure that they are accepted by the society. In our teams, we, as trainers, took that wand in hand. And, with their class and student, each preschool teacher has become a superhero.” Project Trainer

    “It was a time when I was feeling very desperate and did not know what to do, and they called us. I think this project was my cure.” Preschool Teacher


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